Are vertical jump height and power output correlated to physical performance in different sports? An allometric approach
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Biomechanics Laboratory, Center of Sports, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil
Research Group on Technology, Sport and Rehabilitation, Catarinense Federal Institute, Araquari, Brazil
Submission date: 2019-09-17
Acceptance date: 2020-03-02
Publication date: 2020-11-15
Hum Mov. 2021;22(2):60-67
This study aimed to analyse the relationship between vertical jump parameters – jump height (JH), peak power output (PPO), and mean power output (MPO) – and specific physical performance in different sports using the allometric approach. In this sense, it was verified whether scaled power output for body mass might have a stronger correlation with physical performance than raw power output.

The study involved 52 male athletes (21 judokas, 18 futsal players, and 13 sprint runners). They performed the following tests: vertical jumps (countermovement and squat), specific physical tests for judo (Special Judo Fitness Test), repeated sprint ability for futsal players, and sprint running (20 m and 200 m) for runners. A specific allometric exponent for PPO and MPO was established. Pearson’s correlation was used to determine the relationship between physical tests and vertical jump parameters for absolute and allometric scales.

Moderate to very large correlations were found between physical performance and JH (r: 0.47–0.87), PPO (r: 0.47–0.75), and MPO (r: 0.49–0.81). Considering power output scaled for body mass, the correlation between jump parameters and physical performance was greater than absolute values, in which the r values ranged 0.46–0.81 for PPO and 0.52–0.84 for MPO.

JH and power output seem to correlate in a similar magnitude with physical performance tests for most variables and sports analysed. From a practical point of view, coaches and physical trainers are encouraged to use JH to monitor training, considering the cost of equipment and practicality.
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