Human Movement is a quarterly peer-reviewed journal published by Wroclaw University of Health and Sport Sciences. Human Movement aims to promote research in sport sciences. The journal publishes research papers in five fields as follows:
– Physical activity, fitness and health
– Applied sport sciences
– Biomechanics and motor control
– Physiological aspects of sports
– Psychological diagnostics of sport and exercise.
Human Movement publishes written in English original papers, review papers, empirical research, book reviews, letters to the Editor, communications about forthcoming meetings and congresses and reports from scientific meetings. The journal is published only online.
Copyright: © Wroclaw University of Health and Sport Sciences. This is an Open Access journal distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (CC BY-NC-ND) (, allowing third parties to download and share its works but not commercially purposes or to create derivative works.
The rights to the article are usually transferred by the authors to the owner of the journal, who makes it available under the Creative Commons license. However, if the author does not want to transfer the copyright to the publisher, he/she may contact the editorial office and set separate rules - under which the editorial office may publish an article in the journal. For the detailed information, please contact with editorial office.
This is to certify the conformity with PN-EN-ISO 9001:2015.
The journal is co-financed by the Ministry of Education and Science for the following tasks:
Dissemination and internationalization of scientific articles and information about the journal, including the costs of adapting technical means - task financed under the agreement No. RCN/SP/0446/2021/1 by the Minister of Education and Science.
Upowszechnianie i umiędzynarodowienie artykułów naukowych oraz informacji o czasopiśmie, w tym koszty dostosowania środków technicznych - zadanie finansowane w ramach umowy Nr RCN/SP/0446/2021/1 ze środków Ministra Edukacji i Nauki.
The task of verifying and correcting abstracts and scientific articles accepted for publication in the Journal - task financed under the agreement No. RCN/SP/0446/2021/1 by the Minister of Education and Science.
Realizacja zadania polegającego na dokonywaniu weryfikacji i korekty streszczeń i artykułów naukowych zaakceptowanych do publikacji w czasopiśmie - zadanie finansowane w ramach umowy Nr RCN/SP/0446/2021/1 ze środków Ministra Edukacji i Nauki.
Implementation of the task of applying to indexing databases and obtaining the impact factor for the journal - task financed under the agreement No. RCN/SP/0446/2021/1 by the Minister of Education and Science.
Realizacja zadania polegającego na aplikowaniu do baz indeksacyjnych i uzyskaniu współczynnika wpływu dla czasopisma - zadanie finansowane w ramach umowy Nr RCN/SP/0446/2021/1 ze środków Ministra Edukacji i Nauki.