Comparison of internal and external load metrics between won and lost game segments in elite beach handball
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Department of Biomedical Sciences, Area of Sport Physical Education, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Alcala, Madrid, Spain
CEIP Antonio Mingote, Alcala de Henares, Madrid, Spain
Faculty of Education and Sport Science, Universidad de Vigo, Pontevedra; Sergas-UVIGO, Healthy Fit Research Group, Spain
Physical Performance and Sports Research Center, Department of Sports and Computer Sciences, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Pablo de Olavide University, Seville, Spain
Submission date: 2022-03-08
Acceptance date: 2023-02-22
Publication date: 2023-08-04
Hum Mov. 2023;24(3):85-94
The extraordinary evolution of beach handball requires the relationship between the specific internal and external load in this sport to be determined in order to continue its development. For this reason, the objective of this study was to compare won and lost game segments in beach handball matches to determine if there is a relationship between winning and losing a set and the external and internal loads experienced by an elite beach handball player.

The data of 57 elite beach handball players were collected over ten matches, which were divided into time segments of 2 minutes each, making a total of 100 game segments. Data were collected using GPS and GNSS technology.

The results showed significant differences in the variables distance per minute (d = large in male and medium in female), velocity band 2 distance (d = very large in male and large in female) and band 3 distance (d = very large in male and medium in female), accelerations (number) (d = large in male and medium in female), player load per minute (d = medium in male and in female), velocity work/rest ratio (d = very large in male and in female) and total jumps (number) (d = medium in male and large in female).

We conclude that the external and internal load variables that determine winning or losing a game segment in elite beach handball are distance per minute, velocity bands 2 (6–8.9 km/h) and 3 (9–11.9 km/h) distance, accelerations (number), player load per minute, velocity work/rest ratio and total jumps (number), both in the male and female categories. The highest values of these variables are observed in the won segments, except for the number of jumps in women.
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