Inter-examiner, within-session and between-session repeatability of kinematic gait parameters among adult subjects
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Józef Rusiecki University College, Olsztyn, Poland
University of Warmia and Mazury, Olsztyn, Poland
Online publication date: 2018-06-20
Hum Mov. 2012;13(4):337-343
This research aimed to assess the repeatability of results obtained when analysing gait by means of a system designed for objective gait analysis in a single laboratory setting by a single examiner within-session and between-sessions.

For the purpose of this research, the BTS Smart-D movement analysis system, produced by Capture Motion System of Italy, was used. Four healthy adults were examined. The subjects took part in three gait analysis testing sessions, with each session separated by a two-day break. During each session, two sets of measurements were taken for each subject. Statistical analysis was performed with StatSoft’s Statistica 7.1 software.

Within each session, all examined temporal and spatial parameters were found to be repeatable. Only in hip and knee joint rotation was repeatability not confirmed within session. Between the sessions, repeatability was confirmed in pelvic rotation, abduction/adduction of the knee joint and for all foot kinematic parameters.

Conducting gait analysis by one researcher does not guarantee obtaining repeatable results for all measured kinematic parameters, either within one session or between sessions; caution ought to be exercised when interpreting results. Among the studied parameters, hip and knee joint rotation provided the most difficulty in obtaining repeatable results. For this reason, diagnostic and therapeutic decisions based on such data require the utmost consideration.
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