Influence of the exercise intensity during EA Sport Active 2 on physiology and psychology variables
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Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil
Air Force University, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, USA
Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
State University of Londrina, Londrina, Brazil
Submission date: 2022-12-14
Acceptance date: 2023-06-04
Publication date: 2023-11-13
Hum Mov. 2023;24(4):52-61
Exergames purportedly aim to gamify physical activity, achieving both the high engagement rates found in video games and the health benefits derived from regular exercise. Therefore, this study sought to verify the influence of the EA® Active Sport 2® game level on heart rate, perceived exertion and future intention to play, affection, and fun.

28 individuals (19 men and 9 women) aged between 19 and 25 years, students, participated in the study. The volunteers had their body composition measured and completed an exercise preference and tolerance questionnaire. On the second visit, the participants had their resting heart rate measured and, subsequently, underwent a maximum incremental test to determine the ventilatory thresholds. The third and fifth visits tested different exercise intensities (light, moderate and strong) determined by EA Active Sport, for PlayStation 3. To minimise the risk of bias, the sessions were randomised. Heart rate, affection, perceived exertion, motivation and future intention to play were measured in game sessions.

During exercise, the mean heart rate (HR) at rest was below the heart rate reserve (HRres) and the ventilatory threshold 1 (LV1) in low-intensity exercise and in the lower limit of the heavy domain for moderate and Active Game High. The assessment of perceived exertion (RPE) and affection did not show differences between the different intensities of the game.

The EA Active Sport 2 differentiates light from moderate and high-intensity exercise, but not between moderate and high game intensities. Affection, RPE, intention to play, and enjoyment did not differ between game intensities.
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