Diagnostic sources of information on sports result determinants in young powerlifting athletes
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Gdańsk University of Physical Education and Sport, Gdańsk, Poland
Institute of Sport – National Research Institute, Warsaw, Poland
Online publication date: 2018-03-12
Hum Mov. 2016;17(3):168-175
Sports results in powerlifting have been extensively studied, but there is no analysis of the diagnostic sources of criteria for selecting 19–20-year-old athletes. Therefore, it is important to continue the study of factors affecting performance in powerlifting, not only in individual events, but also in the entire discipline. There were two research objectives in the study: firstly, to identify a set of independent (predictor) variables contributing to sports results (outcome variable) in powerlifting using the least numbers of those variables, and secondly, to develop a biometric regression model describing the sports result.

The study group (n = 30) comprised juniors (aged 19.4 ± 0.7) training powerlifting. The following methods of collecting information were used: observation, survey, and analytical methods of diagnostics: analysis of multiple regression functions, and selection of optimal variables with the use of Hellwig’s algorithm.

The optimal set of variables predicting sports results in junior powerlifting consists of nine features. The integral capacity of the selected information sources reached the value of 0.891.

It was confirmed that body composition, special physical fitness, and the technique of movement would constitute the optimum combination of explanatory variables of the model. These characteristics have the highest value as diagnostic and selection criteria and should not be overlooked.
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