Assessment of the correlation between the occurrence of fine movements of the hand, pre-frailty, and body composition in the elderly
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Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Wroclaw University of Health and Sport Sciences, Wroclaw, Poland
Faculty of Physiotherapy, Wroclaw University of Health and Sport Sciences, Wroclaw, Poland
Submission date: 2024-02-22
Acceptance date: 2024-02-28
Publication date: 2024-03-26
Corresponding author
Anna Sebastjan   

Wroclaw University of Health and Sport Sciences, I.J. Paderewskiego Avenue 35, 51-612 Wroclaw
Hum Mov. 2024;25(1):105-112
The main objective of the study was to evaluate the correlations between fine movements of the hand, the tissue composition of the upper limb, and the occurrence of frailty syndrome in elderly people in the Polish population.

The study included 998 individuals living alone aged 60 to 87 years. Anthropometric and bioelectrical impedance measurements were taken, tests of motor skills of the upper limbs and functional efficiency were performed, and the phenotype of physical weakness was assessed.

Participants identified as pre-frailty were observed to score less favourably in motor skills tests compared to other participants. The significance of the differences between the males and females was confirmed for most tests of precision, coordination, and speed of the upper limbs, in addition to the number of aiming errors. A correlation was observed between reduced fine movements of the hand and age, reduced functional efficiency, and low muscle mass of the upper limbs. Of all the included hand motor tests, only hand tremor scores in the stability test did not affect the risk of pre-frailty.

The study showed a significant, positive correlation between the fine movements of the hand, mainly with the weight and strength of the muscles of the upper limb, and negative in the case of the risk of frailty syndrome. It is advisable to focus on programs to raise awareness of the importance of physical activity, which translates into health and quality of life.

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