The effects of a strengthening program on walking and stair-climbing ability of adolescents and young adults with cerebral palsy: a randomized controlled trial
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Laboratory of Advanced Physiotherapy, Department of Physiotherapy, School of Health and Care Sciences, University of West Attica, Athens, Greece
School of Physical Education and Sport Science, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece
Submission date: 2021-04-05
Acceptance date: 2021-11-22
Publication date: 2022-01-23
Hum Mov. 2022;23(4):148-155
The study aim was to examine the effects of a 10-week school-based strengthening program on walking and stair-climbing ability of adolescents and young adults with cerebral palsy.

Overall, 35 participants, aged 12–19 years, were classified in 3 levels in accordance with the Gross Motor Function Classification System and randomly assigned to the experimental and control group. The experimental group participated in a 10-week progressive resistance exercise program during the adapted physical education class and performed functional strength exercises (sit-to-stand, lateral and front step-up), with a frequency of 3 times per week. The experimental and control groups continued their usual care at school regarding physical therapy and/or occupational therapy. Stair-climbing ability was assessed with the Timed Up and Down Stairs test and walking ability was evaluated with the 10-m walk test and the 1-minute walk test.

There was a significant between-group improvement for stair-climbing ability favouring the intervention group (F = 6.519, p = 0.016, ƞ2 = 0.169), whereas walking ability as assessed with the 10-m walk test and the 1-minute walk test remained unchanged.

A functional strengthening program administered in adolescents and young adults with cerebral palsy may positively influence their stair-climbing ability, without any adverse effects.
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