A model of the efficiency of goalkeepers' actions in futsal
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Soccer Laboratory, Faculty of Physical Education, Gdańsk University of Physical Education and Sport, Gdańsk, Poland
Town Hall of Bytów, Bytów, Poland
Submission date: 2020-03-02
Acceptance date: 2020-05-18
Publication date: 2020-07-08
Hum Mov. 2020;21(4):44-53
The aim of the study was to develop a model of the efficiency of actions of goalkeepers from top-level futsal teams.

Material and methods:
Goalkeepers’ activity, successful activity, and effectiveness were estimated with the consideration of accomplishing the game objectives in offence and defence and of the changing match status. The study applied the method of observation. Data about the game were registered on a self-developed observation sheet. Overall, 62 games of 23 goalkeepers participating in 31 matches of the World and European Championships and the UEFA Futsal Cup played in years 2012–2015 were observed.

It was found that actions to gain the playfield with the ball (41% of all actions) and to prevent a loss of a goal (28.2%) dominated in futsal goalkeepers’ game. Offensive actions accounted for 58% and defensive actions for 42% of all actions undertaken by the studied futsal goalkeepers in the observed matches. The examined competitors achieved the highest effectiveness in keeping the ball (97%) and in preventing scoring situations (96%).

The created model mapping the top-skilled goalkeepers’ actions allows improving the process of coaching players by referring their game to objective patterns.
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