Laterality of lower limbs during V2 Al ternate in Nordic combined athletes
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Technical University of Liberec, Liberec, Czech Republic
Online publication date: 2018-04-20
Hum Mov. 2013;14(3):217-220
The aim of this study was to analyse the foot pressure distribution by cross-country skiers during the push-off phase when using the V2 Alternate skating technique depending on lower limb preference. The study also focused on whether push-off during V2 Alternate would be performed more quickly and in a shorter time interval by the dominant leg than the non-dominant leg.

Data were collected using a pedographic system together with synchronised video recording. Conventional dialogistic methods used in kinanthropology were used to detect the lower-limb lateral preference.

Statistically significant differences in the vertical component of force produced by the right/leg lower limbs was observed. However, no statistically significant differences were present in the duration when weight was transferred to one of the lower limbs.

Although V2 Alternate is a movement task that is considered to be symmetrical (where left and right leg push-off should be practically identical), the results of the study proved otherwise. In practice, this implies that the explosive force capabilities of cross-country skiers should be trained especially for the non-dominant leg so as to ensure that a fully adequate push-off can be conducted during two-sided skating.
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