Correlations between sportsmen’s morpho-functional measurements and voice acoustic variables
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Institute of Sports Anthropology, Prishtina, Kosovo
Online publication date: 2018-03-12
Hum Mov. 2016;17(4):216-222
Since human voice characteristics are specific to each individual, numerous anthropological studies have been oriented to find significant relationships between voice and morpho-functional features. The goal of this study was to identify the correlation between seven morpho-functional variables and six voice acoustic parameters in sportsmen.

Following the protocols of the International Biological Program, seven morpho-functional variables and six voice acoustic parameters have been measured in 88 male professional athletes from Kosovo, aged 17–35 years, during the period of April–October 2013. The statistical analysis was accomplished through the SPSS program, version 20. The obtained data were analysed through descriptive parameters and with Spearman’s method of correlation analysis.

Spearman’s method of correlation showed significant negative correlations (R = –0.215 to –0.613; p = 0.05) between three voice acoustic variables of the fundamental frequency of the voice sample (Mean, Minimum, and Maximum Pitch) and six morpho-functional measures (Body Height, Body Weight, Margaria-Kalamen Power Test, Sargent Jump Test, Pull-up Test, and VO2max.abs).

The significant correlations imply that the people with higher stature have longer vocal cords and a lower voice. These results encourage investigations on predicting sportsmen’s functional abilities on the basis of their voice acoustic parameters.
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